The Mission Files

The Mission Files was originally funded as Stretch Goal 001 of the Kickstarter (backer update here) and is now available in PDF and Print on Demand from DTRPG.

Missions are the lifeblood of The Sprawl. Better lay down the plastic.

The Sprawl: Mission Files is a collection of ten new cyberpunk missions for The Sprawl. Infiltrations, extractions, heists, recovery ops, wetwork, investigations, hunts, pursuits, shakedowns, Mr Smith has them all… and more.

Ready to run. Each mission includes a brief summary of the fictional setup and details on the people and places involved, as well as all the clocks and directives you need.

Hack them into your own shape. Each mission also takes you behind the scenes with design notes on its structure and ideas for hacking the mission to make it uniquely yours.

Between the lines and beyond the missions. The Sprawl: Mission Files is also filled with MC advice and tips for how to handle tricky situations and how to tweak familiar features of the game to enrich your play experience.

With excellent cover art by Alina Shutko!

A somewhat belated update here. The PDF was released in August and after a comedy of proofing and shipping errors, the Print on Demand dropped in October.


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  1. […] funded as Stretch Goal 003 of the Kickstarter (backer update here). The next supplement will be a book of ten missions in much the same format as “The Kurosawa Extraction” example mission from the […]

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